Diesel fuel for road vehicles

Your business


Service stations

Micro-organism contamination occurs in diesel tanks at filling stations, causing fuel filters to clog at the pump. After changing the fuel filter, a biocide treatment with FUELCIDE D1.5 is necessary for a concentration of 3 litres/10000 litres of diesel.

Trucks and coaches

Contamination by micro-organisms also occurs in the tanks of trucks and coaches. Their large capacity tanks and increasing fuel consumption promote the accumulation of air in the tanks.

In addition, the heating of the tank due to the diesel fuel in the injection return induces condensation on the tank walls.

These factors thus facilitate the development of microorganisms.



To avoid diesel pollution in your tanks, it's best to use FUELCIDE D1.5 as a preventive or curative treatment, available in 30 kg, 5 kg and 1 kg cans.

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